Feeding Spirits on Halloween
Before Halloween became commercialized, many people celebrated an older tradition called Samhain. Food played a part in Samhain as well,...
5 Mindful Eating Lessons from “What About Bob?”
If you’ve never seen the movie What About Bob? I recommend it, as long as you’re okay with some black humor. It has a lot of fun moments,...
Creating Presents for Your Future Self
It’s probably no secret to you that creating new habits can be hard. When you first start, it’s so easy to slip back into your old...
Why Practice Isn’t About Perfection
You’ve probably heard the phrase “practice makes perfect.” But you may have also noticed that even if you practice something, you still...
5 Important Food Issues Related to Climate Change
I’ve been reading the book All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis, and among many things, it’s gotten me...