You Don’t Need a Holiday for Your Favorite Foods
On the Sunday before Thanksgiving, I was doing a practice Zoom call with my aunt (my dad’s sister), and she asked, “What are you having...
Seeking Stillness
I recently read an old journal entry where I wrote that I was feeling pressure from a lot of sides and was longing for a moment of...
What Makes a Comfort Food Comforting?
You may have seen the image going around social media listing favorite Thanksgiving side dishes by state, which seems to have been...
3 Mindful Eating Tips from “Zombieland”
Before Halloween, I re-watched the movie Zombieland, and I discovered something surprising. It offers some tips about mindful eating. I...
Eating Isn’t About Efficiency
I’ve been watching the new season of Shark Tank, and in a recent episode, one of the entrepreneurs presented an oatmeal ball that people...